My Dear Floribert, WMF Africa Bureau and all WMF Members,
I am happy to have your input concerning WMF and its International Leadership. I will attempt to address some of your concerns..
1. The statement that WMF International doesn't seem interested at all in Africa and African Ministers comes as a great surprise to me as I have spent the past 38 years doing everything that I could to raise up Christian Leaders in Africa. It was because on my love for African people that I estalished Faith Theological Seminary to try to furnish Excellent Christian Education for Africans within Africa. It the considered opinion of the Archbishop for Africa, that Africa has a right to self determiniation and that it is vital that Africans asume responsibility for winning the lost souls of Africa to Christ. God is not an American and American Christians did not write the Bible. Christianity is not white man's religion and the gospel of Jesus Christ was in Africa 2000 years before it was in America.
2. WMF never promised to sponsor believers, acquire properties or underwrite their church buildings. We did an do promise to help you to help yourselves. That begins with learning to understand that all African Believers have a Covenant with God and that God is their source of financial supply. Most of all, we try to furnish you with opportunities to fellowship togeher.
3. It is my desire for each leader and member to want a better way of llfe enough to make sacrifises to achieve them. There is a price to pay to serve the Lord, but He will surely take care of all those who want spiritual relationships and want to walk together in the love of God to do so.
4. No one will receive any more from something than they are willing to put into it. Perhaps some of our National Directors should be more committed to their task as National Directors.
5. Concerning the stipend for the Regional Director, Floribert Mawit: He receives $50 US when the funds available. He has raised much of his own expense within Africa for his travel to other countrie to represent WMF because we did not have the funds o send. He did so because he understands the WMF Vision of helping African Leaders help themselves, so that they can be independent and free to follow the leadershp of the Holy Spirit. He spent more money in behalf of WMF than an other WMF African Member that I know of. He is not "embezzeling" any WMF funds for his own use. He has accounted to me for all the funds that WMF has given.He is contributing towards WMF in order to do what is necessary to accomplish that vision. He has been the kind of example that I desire all WMF members, ONE WHO TRUST AND OBEYS GOD!
A word about WMFand the Archbishop's financial situation: The USA is going through a very, very difficult financial time in its history. In the USA WMF members pay $30 US each month to support the work within the USA. None of these funds go towards the work in other nations. Those monthly dues are paid for the privilege of being in fellowship of other ministers of like precious faith. They do so because they understand that there is only one body of Christ and all true believers in Jesus Christ are members o that one body. Each member has something that other members require in order to grow and mature in Christ. We in the USA, like Africa, have people who think that they don't need anyone else in order to be mature, but they are mistaken. We need each other! WMF is about fellowship. Itg is about believers coming togrther to learn and receive from each other. We are one body in fellowship together. If we are all in the same ship, then we will be going in one direction.
WMF funds for other missionaries and nations are received on the second night of the annual convocation. About 70% of those funds are designated to partcular mssionaries. The WMF Mission department oerates on the undesignated funds. The Archbishop serves as the WMF World OutreachDirector without pay as do all the other International Directors who represent the continents and the Islands of the Seas. The WMF Mission's Department has two ladies who work part time that do receive a small stipend. My Daughter Sheree, works for WMF Missions full time without pay.
Today, I looked in Faith Outreach Church check book to see how much money that was available. The account had 62 cents, less than one US Dollar. That is the account where my funds come from, but that did not alarm me because my faith is not in a check book. My faith is in God. He is my source! I know that my God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, my Lord! I live by the Wordof God and He has never faiied me and He never will fail me!
I am aware of the difficulties and sacrifices that you are experiencing. I am in prayer for yoy daily. But Money isn;t the answer to your delima, faith in God is!
Keep on beleiving!
In Our Savior's Love and Service,
ArchBishop Charles Rogers
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