samedi 26 décembre 2009

Today is the best day of your life!

Pastor Steve Cox

Should you need to leave the boarders of America, for any reason; because there has been an increase in national security, there is a need for every individual to have a passport. However, we should not allow ourselves to “become fearful or discouraged” by all this. I have a passport and as I look at the {visa stickers and custom stamps} of all the places I’ve traveled to, I think of the different laws and regulations, even letters of invitation to some places - in order to get a visa. Then there are shots; all countries are different and some shots work for all, while others require what no other country does. ‘The days of just getting a ticket and traveling’ are over and being able to drive out of even the good ol’ USA for a simple vacation are not the same.

There is “one thing” that is never going to change. I have {one final destination} and -- my passport is current --, the visa is stamped --, my ticket paid -- and my I.D. is recorded. And praise God I don’t need any more shots! The best part; HE’s coming for us!!

This is truth that will change your life! Think about it.

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