mercredi 2 décembre 2009

“For nothing is impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)

Isaiah 9. 6 to 7 and Luke 1. 26 to 38

As we set our mind on the December holiday period and the festive season; I want us to focus on a few truths during this time. I must make it clear that I am not Christmas and gifts “mad” as the world are; I am just grateful that we can stand still for a season and reflect on the glory and wonder of the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Just think about it – we have a time set aside to celebrate this wonder and fulfillment of prophecy! Glory and hallelujah!
The scripture that I want us to focus on is in Luke 1:37 that say “for nothing is impossible with God”; and the thought I want to leave with you is the following: “This is the time of the promise!” As the nation Israel looked for the promise of the Saviour, today is the time for the promise of salvation and abundant life in your and my life! This is the day that the Scriptures refer to as a new day that the Lord has made, and salvation is in this day. (John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 6:2)
What promise(s) are you looking at in your own life? What Word(s) was spoken that you “hang unto” to see it come to fulfillment? Luke 1:37 says that nothing is impossible with God! As God worked a miracle in the life of Mary and as she became pregnant with the promise of deliverance and salvation, God’s desire is to make you and I pregnant with the promise inside our inner man so that we can give birth (spiritually) to the promise and walk in the complete victory and abundance that He has in store for us! This is your time of the promise! This is my time of the promise! This is the churches’ time of the promise! Let us fix our eyes on the promise and walk in the victory He has called us to! In closure read Isaiah 9 and see the eagerness of the Lord in verse 7 when he says “The zeal of Jehovah of Hosts will do this”.
Prayer: “Father, in Jesus Name I thank you that this is the time of the promise and that your desire is to bring the promises in my life to fulfillment. Amen”
Have a great day and week in His presence.


Apostle Hans Blunk
Action Evangelical Source of the Sower
Christ for Africa

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