mardi 1 décembre 2009

Today is the best day of your life!

Pastor Steve Cox

When you flee temptation don’t leave a forwarding address - isn’t that cleaver?  Well cleaver or not let’s find a truth in it.  We all have heard the statement from scripture that we are to - flee idolatry -, youthful lust -, fornication -, every sin -; the love of money, etc. etc… 

When we look at these instructions in the “light of the law” we develop a fear of running away from something.  I want to submit to you that when we see HIS Grace -- it is the reward of “our faith”. HE does not want to punish us for our sin.  We should see ourselves - pursuing something - rather than - fleeing something.

Law says, “don’t do that and I’ll forgive you”.  Grace says,  “I forgive you so you can overcome it”.  God doesn’t want to punish you for sin; HE wants to rewardyour faith”.  Don’t spend your life fleeing; rather spend it pursuing HIS Grace {that is sufficient}.  Go ahead; leave your forwarding address of heaven for the devil!!!!!!!


This is truth that will change your life!  Think about it.

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