mercredi 16 décembre 2009

Today is the best day of your life!

Pastor Steve Cox

I went to an appointment the other day in the anticipation it was going to be a great step in the conclusion of a dream. Well, it was good, -- did and will play a part of the dream, -- but when I left I was some what bordered on disappointment. Oh not in a bad or negative way, like I was let down or betrayed, just that -- I didn’t get what I had been {in anticipation of}.

I was reminded of “hope deferred sickens the heart”, but when it comes, it is a “tree of life” (Prov. 13:12). God wants us to have our “tree of life”. As Caleb said “I want my mountain…” -- even though he had had his hope deferred for 40 years <> God’s promise to him. (Josh. 14:6-15)

“Delay is not denial”; when we keep ‘our hope’ in HIS Grace and the promise of HIS Covenant. Never has God, not kept HIS Word. HE is always faithful to those who have and keep their faith in HIS Grace, not .

This is truth that will change your life! Think about it.

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