mardi 20 octobre 2009

Today is the best day of your life!

With pastor Steve Cox

It’s always good to find the solution to a problem or the answer to your question. When we are experiencing ‘reoccurring problems and questions’ {resulting} from the same problem in a different form or set of circumstances – it’s time to realize that we are missing something. We {do not understand}, “something is operating” where it doesn’t belong. Once it was said, “it’s the little things we allow to grow and not face that become BIG and over take.”

How do we handle this? Let’s take our thought a little further, “it’s the little things to which we attend, that will keep us to the end”. When we deal with the root of things in us, we {eliminate the weeds in our garden}. Stop just pulling weeds and get rid of the root. ‘The little foxes spoil the vine…’ but it’s the vine that is needed for the fruit, a vine without fruit is a weed.

This is truth that will change your life! Think about it.

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