· Firstly we are to separate ourselves to hear and see God’s Whole plan for the earth. Too often we have micro managed and only concentrated on the will for our little life, or for our local, and there is a method that teaches us to do that.
· However Kingdom thinking is to know what the design of the whole house looks like, before we start building otherwise the finished product, if it ever gets finished, will have serious design error, also the strong possibility is that when the going gets tough, the lack of vision will cause us to quit.
· Ezekiel 43 is a report on the building of the temple and the result of building error caused God to reject the priesthood and look to the sons of Zadok. “You have defiled my temple by the placing of your thresholds next to mine, your pillars next to mine and because you have built a wall that separates me from my people”.
· Going to war with England – God’s world plan
· We going to establish a beach head in London – the instruction to the universal church
· South Africa will send a fleet of war ships – fleet of covenanted ministries
· There are troop carriers to land foot soldiers - e.g. Bethlemhem
· And the air craft carriers, air support – e.g. Power Dimensions
· Now you are on the war ship – e.g. House of David
· You are a ‘Gunner’ – know your purpose, your function
· You have to know your cannon – know gifting
· You have know your captain or commanders voice – know God’s voice
· You have to obey his instruction because you can’t see the target you have trust and heed your captains co ordinates
· Effectively working your cannon, takes knowing the reason and strategy for the war!!
Therefore we have to know what God’s plan is in the whole earth and then how our regiment of the army will play a role in that plan, and then we will know what our place is in the regiment because the whole picture will fit together. When the seargent has you running for hours, you will not think it is just because he is being mean or not considering you, but rather you will understand that you will need that stamina and discipline in the battle
Apostle Hans Blunk
called by God not by men
Action Evangelical Source of the Sower
Christ for Africa
E-Mail : christforafrica@gmail.com
skype: hansblunk
Tel: +27 726510969 / +27 176324988
Fax : +27 865838327
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